Exchange Server kurulumu sonrası namespace tanımlamaları önem arz etmektedir. Kurum içi ve kurum dışına hizmet edecek dns kayıtlarının oluşturulması ve ilgil kayıtları dinleyecek servis konfigurasyonlarının yapılması gerekmektedir.
İç ve Dış Dns kayıtlarının aynı olmasına dikkat edelim.
Paul Reisimizin hazırlamış olduğu scriptleri kullanarak bu işemi hızlıca gerçekleştirebiliriz. Yanı sıra custom bizde nasıl yaparız onuda ele alacağız.
GetExchangeURLs.ps1 scriptini indirip, Exchange sunucumuz üzerinde komutumuzu çalıştıralım. Bu işlem ile mevcut konfigurasyonu kontrol edebiliriz.
.\GetExchangeURLs.ps1 -Server exc01
C:\Exc>.\GetExchangeURLs.ps1 -Server exc01 Security warning Run only scripts that you trust. While scripts from the internet can be useful, this script can potentially harm your computer. If you trust this script, use the Unblock-File cmdlet to allow the script to run without this warning message. Do you want to run C:\Exc\GetExchangeURLs.ps1? [D] Do not run [R] Run once [S] Suspend [?] Help (default is "D"): R Welcome to the Exchange Management Shell! Full list of cmdlets: Get-Command Only Exchange cmdlets: Get-ExCommand Cmdlets that match a specific string: Help *<string>* Get general help: Help Get help for a cmdlet: Help <cmdlet name> or <cmdlet name> -? Exchange team blog: Get-ExBlog Show full output for a command: <command> | Format-List Show quick reference guide: QuickRef VERBOSE: Connecting to VERBOSE: Connected to Creating a new session for implicit remoting of "Get-ExchangeServer" command... ---------------------------------------- Querying exc01 ---------------------------------------- Outlook Anywhere - Internal: - External: Outlook Web App - Internal: - External: Exchange Control Panel - Internal: - External: Offline Address Book - Internal: - External: Exchange Web Services - Internal: - External: MAPI - Internal: - External: ActiveSync - Internal: - External: WARNING: The Get-ClientAccessServer cmdlet will be removed in a future version of Exchange. Use the Get-ClientAccessService cmdlet instead. If you have any scripts that use the Get-ClientAccessServer cmdlet, update them to use the Get-ClientAccessService cmdlet. For more information, see Autodiscover - Internal SCP: Finished querying all servers specified.
Hadi güncelleme işlemini gerçekleştirelim.
Konfigurasyonu yapabilmek için aşağıdaki scripti indirip kullanacağız.
.\ConfigureExchangeURLs.ps1 -Server exc01,exc02 -InternalURL -ExternalURL
[PS] C:\Exc>.\ConfigureExchangeURLs.ps1 -Server exc01,exc02 -InternalURL -ExternalURL Security warning Run only scripts that you trust. While scripts from the internet can be useful, this script can potentially harm your computer. If you trust this script, use the Unblock-File cmdlet to allow the script to run without this warning message. Do you want to run C:\Exc\ConfigureExchangeURLs.ps1? [D] Do not run [R] Run once [S] Suspend [?] Help (default is "D"): R Welcome to the Exchange Management Shell! Full list of cmdlets: Get-Command Only Exchange cmdlets: Get-ExCommand Cmdlets that match a specific string: Help *<string>* Get general help: Help Get help for a cmdlet: Help <cmdlet name> or <cmdlet name> -? Exchange team blog: Get-ExBlog Show full output for a command: <command> | Format-List Show quick reference guide: QuickRef VERBOSE: Connecting to VERBOSE: Connected to ---------------------------------------- Configuring exc01 ---------------------------------------- Values: - Internal URL: - External URL: - Outlook Anywhere internal SSL required: True - Outlook Anywhere external SSL required: True Configuring Outlook Anywhere URLs WARNING: Microsoft Exchange versions earlier than Exchange Server 2013 do not support the Negotiate client authentication method. Connectivity to public folders and mailboxes hosted on earlier versions may be affected. Configuring Outlook Web App URLs WARNING: You've changed the InternalURL or ExternalURL for the OWA virtual directory. Please make the same change for the ECP virtual directory in the same website. Configuring Exchange Control Panel URLs Configuring ActiveSync URLs Configuring Exchange Web Services URLs Configuring Offline Address Book URLs Configuring MAPI/HTTP URLs Configuring Autodiscover WARNING: The Get-ClientAccessServer cmdlet will be removed in a future version of Exchange. Use the Get-ClientAccessService cmdlet instead. If you have any scripts that use the Get-ClientAccessServer cmdlet, update them to use the Get-ClientAccessService cmdlet. For more information, see WARNING: The Set-ClientAccessServer cmdlet will be removed in a future version of Exchange. Use the Set-ClientAccessService cmdlet instead. If you have any scripts that use the Set-ClientAccessServer cmdlet, update them to use the Set-ClientAccessService cmdlet. For more information, see ---------------------------------------- Configuring exc02 ---------------------------------------- Values: - Internal URL: - External URL: - Outlook Anywhere internal SSL required: True - Outlook Anywhere external SSL required: True Configuring Outlook Anywhere URLs WARNING: Microsoft Exchange versions earlier than Exchange Server 2013 do not support the Negotiate client authentication method. Connectivity to public folders and mailboxes hosted on earlier versions may be affected. Configuring Outlook Web App URLs WARNING: You've changed the InternalURL or ExternalURL for the OWA virtual directory. Please make the same change for the ECP virtual directory in the same website. Configuring Exchange Control Panel URLs Configuring ActiveSync URLs Configuring Exchange Web Services URLs Configuring Offline Address Book URLs Configuring MAPI/HTTP URLs Configuring Autodiscover WARNING: The Get-ClientAccessServer cmdlet will be removed in a future version of Exchange. Use the Get-ClientAccessService cmdlet instead. If you have any scripts that use the Get-ClientAccessServer cmdlet, update them to use the Get-ClientAccessService cmdlet. For more information, see WARNING: The Set-ClientAccessServer cmdlet will be removed in a future version of Exchange. Use the Set-ClientAccessService cmdlet instead. If you have any scripts that use the Set-ClientAccessServer cmdlet, update them to use the Set-ClientAccessService cmdlet. For more information, see Finished processing all servers specified. Consider running Get-CASHealthCheck.ps1 to test your Client Access namespace and SSL configuration. Refer to for more details.
İlk çalıştırdığımız mevcut URL leri doğrulayalım.
[PS] C:\Exc>.\GetExchangeURLs.ps1 -Server exc01 Security warning Run only scripts that you trust. While scripts from the internet can be useful, this script can potentially harm your computer. If you trust this script, use the Unblock-File cmdlet to allow the script to run without this warning message. Do you want to run C:\Exc\GetExchangeURLs.ps1? [D] Do not run [R] Run once [S] Suspend [?] Help (default is "D"): R Welcome to the Exchange Management Shell! Full list of cmdlets: Get-Command Only Exchange cmdlets: Get-ExCommand Cmdlets that match a specific string: Help *<string>* Get general help: Help Get help for a cmdlet: Help <cmdlet name> or <cmdlet name> -? Exchange team blog: Get-ExBlog Show full output for a command: <command> | Format-List Show quick reference guide: QuickRef VERBOSE: Connecting to VERBOSE: Connected to ---------------------------------------- Querying exc01 ---------------------------------------- Outlook Anywhere - Internal: - External: Outlook Web App - Internal: - External: Exchange Control Panel - Internal: - External: Offline Address Book - Internal: - External: Exchange Web Services - Internal: - External: MAPI - Internal: - External: ActiveSync - Internal: - External: WARNING: The Get-ClientAccessServer cmdlet will be removed in a future version of Exchange. Use the Get-ClientAccessService cmdlet instead. If you have any scripts that use the Get-ClientAccessServer cmdlet, update them to use the Get-ClientAccessService cmdlet. For more information, see Autodiscover - Internal SCP: Finished querying all servers specified.
GUI üzerinden ise, Servers, Virtual Directories ve alt kısımda servislere tıklayarak general sekmesinden Internal ve External URL leri güncelleyebiliriz.
Outlook Anywhere için ise Servers alanında sunucumuzun konfigurasyonuna tıklayıp en alt alanda Outlook Anywhere üzerinden DNS güncelleştirmesini gerçekleştirebiliriz.